Root Canal Specialist Near Me in Lake Forest and Whittier

Root Canal Specialist Near Me

Are you experiencing pain and increased sensitivity in your tooth? A
root canal specialist near you can help you diagnose and treat an
infection in your root canal system.

When it comes to treatment that targets the root and specifically the
pulp area, an endodontist/root canal specialist is the right person to
talk to.

A root canal specialist eliminates infection at the center of your
tooth where the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues are

A root canal specialist can save a tooth that is severely damaged by
tooth decay or trauma, such as sports injuries.

Signs of an infected pulp

If your pulp is infected, you will experience one or all of these

  • Pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food and drink

  • Difficulty in biting or chewing

  • A loose tooth

Your root canal specialist will help with

  • Treating swollen and tender gums

  • Treating deep cavities

  • Repairing tooth cracks or fractures

  • Treating tooth sensitivity

  • Fixing issues from a previous filling

What you need to know about root canal

A root canal procedure is performed by a specialized dentist known as
an endodontist or a root canal specialist. This is because endodontists
receive extra training to handle dental problems that affect the inside
of your tooth.

Root canal procedures are not painful because your root canal
specialist uses anesthesia to numb the area before starting the

During the procedure, your endodontist will remove the inflamed pulp
and thoroughly clean the area which is then filled and sealed using a
rubber-like filling material.

After the procedure, your tooth needs a crown to protect the tooth
and return its functionality.

Mild pain and discomfort after the procedure can be managed at home.
Call us to talk to a root canal specialist.